Yesterday, I needed to sew and finish three tops to be photographed for my website Flickr Gallery. I got a late start and was concerned that I would not be able to get them done in time to get them uploaded before we had scheduled the e mail to be sent.
I was glad that I was working in a clean and organized studio, due to the fact that I had a sewing class last week and have another scheduled for next Thursday. I at least had that going for me-usually I can't see the table top, and that kind of clutter slows me down.
Anyway, I trimmed my patterns with my brand new scissors, choose the fabrics and started cutting! In the meantime, I heated up my gravity feed iron that was already filled with water, saw that both the serger and sewing machine had the proper color thread, and remembered that I had just put in new needles and oiled both machines! Great!
After all the pieces were cut out I sat down and got started sewing. I was in a hurry and had no time to waste! I soon realized that even though I designed and wrote the sewing directions for the tops, I had already made a sewing mistake! Good grief, I didn't have time for this! So, after I pulled out the stitches (grrrr!!!!) I decided that I had better read my own instructions! Good idea!
After that, the tops went together very well, and I enjoyed working with the fabrics. It was fun! I finished in record time, photographed and uploaded them with time to spare! Whew!
After the e mail was sent and I could breath again, I thought about how well the day went. I realized that it was due all the things I have mentioned. I had room to work, was not frustrated trying to find things, I didn't have to fool around with my equipment, and after I read the sewing instructions even the garment construction was easy.
So, was it was one of those days when the planets were aligned perfectly, or did I actually make that happen? All I know is that I will try to keep the sewing studio clean, read instructions before sitting at the sewing machine and remember to have fun!